It probably has happened to you to like at first glance some adorable earrings, but when you put them on appears a troublesome problem – they do not stay fixed, hang at a distance from your ear, or are too pressing and uncomfortable. Do not give up, there is a very practical solution! In this article, I will share some classic options for their use and repair.
Fix the earring to your ear:
The aesthetic malfunction with drooping earrings may be caused by their excessive size or weight. If the design is too voluminous, such as models with pearls or beads on a screw, would arise such a problem. We will offer you two easy solutions: large discs worn with the factory-made screw of the earrings or completely replace the screw. The first option would be more difficult to implement, but the second is fully carried out by you. Larger disks attached to the screw would cover a larger part of the ear. Thus the weight of the earring is evenly distributed and the disc would not let her hang. These discs are usually made of transparent rigid plastic, but also of metal.
The problem with the dangling models, you can solve as you put larger screws – the variety is great. With regard to the individual models of earrings that have a different influence. Look at the jewelry shops, and find yours. Experiment with which design stands best for you and is most convenient for you.
Ensure your comfort:
The long and hanging models are very beautiful and different, but their weight can often not be conformed. Such earrings would stretch the earlobe and in the long-lasting wearing damage and stretch your holes. It is best to wear such models for only a few hours per day, for example on special occasions. If the design allows – redo them! You can remove some elements and lighten them. In this way, you will wear them more often. If it is not possible to process them, you can always turn them into a pendant, ring, or element to add to a necklace.
The earrings with a clip or screw sometimes tend to be highly compressive and uncomfortable. One of the first steps in addressing these problems is to decide which type of clasp fits you best. There are soft cushions in the form of discs, specially made for several models of earrings. Placed on a clip or screw, they are a practical solution for reducing the pressure of the buckle on the earlobe. They are made of plastic and porous material and are not expensive at all.
If you have already tried to wear earrings with these pads, but still they are pressuring you, you can seek the services of a jeweler. The specialists in this field know how to adjust the models from the mass jewelry as well as their own original jewelry. In their capabilities is to make them comfortable for you personally. Also, look for earrings with a clip that allows adjustment of the pressure as those with screwable cogs.